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vedic meditation

//vedic meditation
vedic meditation 2016-12-24T08:39:48+11:00

Vedic Meditation is a simple technique allowing the mind to take advantage of its natural tendencies of the mind to follow charm and bring the mind and body to extremely deep levels of rest, releasing built up stress, tension and fatigue.

the technique

The technique requires no specific change in lifestyle to accommodate it, rather it integrates easily into our daily lives, with two 20 minute sessions a day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed.

In Vedic Meditation, we learn that the use of a Mantra (a sound or vibration without literal meaning but ‘charming’ to our mind) can be used to help us naturally move our awareness from the busy active parts of the mind, to the quiet, inner, more subtle aspects of the mind. Contrary to the common conception of our ‘naughty’ monkey mind, it is not necessary, nor helpful to try to avoid thoughts.

Mantra - sanskrit translation 'manas' = mind, 'tra' = instrument, therefore a 'mantra' is a 'mind instrument'

By sitting comfortably and bringing our orientation to the Mantra, the mind quietens. As this happens the body will follow, allowing for extremely deep levels of rest – many times that of regular sleep.

With regular practice meditators also experience a conscious state in which one has moved beyond (or transcended) thought itself. This is normally a very pleasant experience, but one that we don’t regularly have access to in our daily lives. Accessing this ‘being’ state is something that we must regain touch with in daily lives as it represents a source of much of our creativity, clarity, stability intelligence and joy.

a relevant practice

Vedic Meditation is commonly referred to as a ‘householder’s technique’, meaning that this is particularly well suited to those of us in responding to the rigours of daily life (i.e. families, careers, social lives). This is an important distinction from other meditation techniques that require a more monastic or reclusive lifestyle in order to be effective.

The Veda are a significant body of knowledge that originates from the peak of Indian civilisation several thousands of years ago. The Vedas represent a rich tapestry of knowledge that is the root of practices such as Yoga, Ayurveda, as well large body of Eastern philosophy. Vedic Meditation draws upon this tradition with meditation knowledge having passed down from teacher to student over thousands of years. It is important to understand however, that whilst Vedic Meditation has it origins in Indian culture it is not intrinsically Indian, it is intrinsically human.

In practical terms, Vedic Meditation is a perfect technique for anyone, and allows us an efficient method of ‘releasing the pressure valve’, taking some time, and launching into life.